by Chris Ford
St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) volunteer Jan Hagbloom has a goal set for the SVdP food pantry on North Broad Street in L’Anse. The goal is to reach 10,000 pounds of donated food for the pantry in 2015. A big dent was made in that with the Dec. 2 annual TV-6 Can-A-Thon collection which brought in more than 3,500 pounds. Although Marquette’s WLUC-TV spearheads the annual holiday giving event across the Upper Peninsula, smaller outfits take over to help collect the food stuffs and deliver it on a county level. As in the past, the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community’s Eagle
Radio made the rounds to various schools and other collection points to gather up the goods and drop them off. Hagbloom explained Can-A-Thon collection begins Nov. 7 and wrapped up Dec. 1. In addition to the 3,560.5 pounds that brought in, she said another 1,650.5 pounds have been dropped off by individuals, church and other groups. Add in the 4,002 pounds collected by the United State Postal Service (USPS) during its annual May collection, and Hagbloom’s goal is not far off. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.