by Barry Drue
A well-coordinated and effective multi-agency response has resulted in the containment of 4,000 gallons of gasoline and an undetermined amount of diesel fuel at the Sturgeon River just south of Chassell. The spill is the result of a fatal, multiple-injury accident on the U.S. 41 bridge at the Sturgeon on Saturday morning, Feb. 3, 2018. A vehicle attempting to pass a Klemm Trucking fuel semi tractor trailer hit an oncoming car and pushed it into the path of the semi, which hit it, killing the driver and toppling the tractor trailer, spilling the fuel. Fuel went downhill at the bridge embankment and was absorbed by snow, ice and soil. Some went onto the ice-covered river. It is believed that little if any made it downriver and to Portage Lake. Ralph Dollhopf has been the Environmental Protection Agency’s On-Scene Coordinator for the Emergency Response Team since 1985. He has helped lead EPA’s responses to clean-up of residential methyl parathion sites in Ohio, Illinois, Michigan and Mississippi, the World Trade Center, Washington DC anthrax attacks, the Columbia Space Shuttle recovery and Hurricane Katrina. He also coordinated EPA’s response to the July, 2010, Endridge Line 6B discharge into the Kalamazoo River. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.
Contain Sturgeon fuel spill
Crowd comes out for music
by Nancy Besonen
The 14th Annual L’Anse Variety of Music Show hit all the right notes Saturday, Feb. 3, 2018 in L’Anse. The L’Anse Area Schools (LAS) set its stage for the event that brings out the best in musicians from throughout the community. Talented music staff and students join in for an evening featuring a wide range of sounds, styles and fun, playing to a most appreciate crowd. Band Director Aaron Poniatowski helps to bring it all together, for the benefit of the band. Proceeds from the popular event help put gently-used instruments into new band members’ hands–and replace band instruments that are showing some serious age. “Instruments get old, and cost a lot of money,” Poniatowski said. “We need some beginning band instruments– baritones, flutes, trumpets–used but in good shape for students to rent from the school. “We’re also talking about purchasing a marching baritone,” she added, “and we always hope for a tuba, but it’s expensive.” To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.
L’Anse 9th graders March For Life
by Nancy Besonen
Five Baraga County ninth graders recently took their Faith Formation studies a step further–all way to Washington, D.C. The girls traveled to the nation’s capitol to join in the March For Life, an annual anti-abortion protest held around the anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade decision which legalized abortion in the U.S. This past Sunday they shared the experiences at mass with many who had helped them along their way. The annual exodus from Baraga County started years ago when eighth grader Michaela Velmer of L’Anse wanted to go to the march, and wouldn’t give up. Her mother, Jacque Velmer, said a coordinator agreed to chaperone her daughter with a group going from Escanaba. “The next year she was chaperoned from Marquette, and it started to grow,” Velmer said. “When she was a senior in high school, her and four boys from our parish went! Last year we had nine or 10 high school students from L’Anse.” To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.
Consider disbanding Covington Ambulance; ‘We’ve tried to enlist through advertising, the media, cajoling’
by Nancy Besonen
Covington Township Ambulance is in critical condition. The dedicated team of volunteers is still making its runs, serving its community and others in need. But the crew is finding it increasingly difficult to get the job done with only eight active members whose average age is 60. An informational meeting was held Tuesday, Jan. 16, 2018 at the multi-purpose building on M-28 in Covington to explain the ambulance’s plight to the public. The meeting attracted a small crowd from the Tri-Town area (Covington, Watton and Sidnaw) and area emergency medical service personnel. The Covington Township Board hosted the meeting to discuss the future of the service, to answer questions and address concerns. Marvin Rajala, an R.N. and paramedic with the Covington Ambulance Service, led the presentation. “We were established about 1974,” Rajala said. “Our first rig was a Pontiac, from Republic. I remember going on one run–it was awful to sit in! We always enjoyed good support from the township board, and funding. Our last ambulance was bought with a grant. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.
Raise awareness of human trafficking in UP; KBOCC hosting national speaker at Jan. 25 program
Human trafficking will be brought to attention in a series of events in the UP later this month. Keweenaw Bay Ojibwa Community College will host a U.S. Department of Justice speaker and others on Thursday, Jan. 25, 2018. Since 2007 943 human trafficking cases have been reported in Michigan. Law enforcement warns that human trafficking is highly under-reported. It is also closely tied to the trafficking of drugs, drug addiction and the opoid crisis. The Upper Peninsula Human Trafficking Task Force (UPHTTF) has recently been re-established. It has teamed together with the Department of Justice, U.S. Homeland Security Investigations, several Upper Peninsula law enforcement agencies, and other local “experts” in the field to bring human trafficking community awareness to the UP in a week-long event during Human Trafficking Awareness Month in January. Beginning Monday, Jan. 22, 2018, the group will host presentations across the UP at local colleges and universities. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.
Old game ranch fence coming down; Access for animals–and people–will be restored
by Barry Drue
Work to remove eight miles of 10-foot tall fence at the former Huron Bay Lodge game ranch on Pt. Abbaye may begin soon, depending on winter conditions. The Keweenaw Land Trust (KLT) purchased the 1,245 acre parcel from John and Tamara Buchan and Thomas Buchan in November, 2015, with the aim of opening the forest and wetland area to the public and restoring key habitat. KLT is headquartered in Hancock. The purchase of the property was made possible as the land trust partnered with the Michigan DNR and was awarded a National Coastal Wetland conservation grant administered through the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The property was appraised through a lengthy process at $1.365 million. KLT bought it for $1.1 million and the Buchans agreed to take $265,000 off the price and donate that amount as a match for the grant. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.
L’Anse, Baraga fires during brutal cold
by Barry Drue
L’Anse and Baraga firefighters had a busy and brutally cold stretch from late on the night of Friday, Dec. 29 to Saturday morning, Dec. 30, 2017, extinguishing two structure fires. Fires on both sides of the bay heavily damaged two homes. Temperatures were in single digits to below zero. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.
Busy year in the book!
by Nancy Besonen
If you were a Baraga County news maker during the first half of 2017, hello again. The L’Anse Sentinel annually welcomes the New Year with a look back at the one we just wrapped up. This week we’ll recap our biggest news stories from January through June. Next week we’ll revisit July through December, along with the first big news stories of the New Year. Hope you had a Happy Old Year. Now, read all about it! To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.
Proceed with ‘community solar’
by Barry Drue
A community solar project is deemed feasible for L’Anse following a Michigan Tech Social Sciences Department survey of local residents and an exhaustive review of the findings. An Executive Summary of the findings was presented at a public meeting at the L’Anse Area Schools cafetorium on Wednesday, Dec. 13, 2017. Community solar is a concept where a solar array could be built, in this case in the Lambert Road Industrial Park. Residential and commercial electric customers of L’Anse could buy shares in the project. Based on the shares they buy, the amount of solar energy produced and sold into the grid would be deducted from those customers’ village electric bill. People not participating would not be impacted on their bills. A community survey to determine interest in the project was sent out with September electric utility bills for L’Anse customers. The survey could also be completed online. The survey and analysis was done by Michigan Technological University’s Fall, 2017, Special Topics class focusing on community solar. The class is part of the MTU Social Sciences Department. Five graduate students analyzed the L’Anse project. The project is part of a larger study by UPSTART, the UP Solar Technical Assistance Research Team. Among those involved are L’Anse electric provider WPPI, the Village of L’Anse, WUPPDR, and MTU. L’Anse Superintendent Susan Tollefson, Chamber of Commerce Director Debbie Stouffer, KBOCC President Debra Parrish and Village Manager Bob LaFave are involved. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.
DNR clear cuts pines along Sand Point access
by Barry Drue
A modified clear cut with some remaining mature seed trees has taken place on state land along the Sand Point access road leading to the Native pow wow grounds, Sand Point lighthouse and marina/RV camping area. DNR forestry officials inventoried the 14 acre parcel of mixed pine that lies directly behind the DNR Field Station in the winter of 2015. The sale was awarded earlier in 2017 to Triest Forest Products for $27,600. Triest sub-contracted the harvest to Yoder of Pelkie who recently completed the logging. Don Mankee is the West UP District Manager for the DNR forestry division. He oversees management on 960,000 acres of state forest in 11 counties west of AuTrain. He commented on the local project from the Baraga DNR office on Friday. Mankee expects there will be some concerns as people discover the cut. The area remains surrounded by mature red and white pine on adjacent tribal land. “This is the most dramatic-looking thing we do in the woods. It’s a modified clear cut with a few scattered mature trees left as seed trees. The regeneration will be naturally occurring. It should bush out in about three years,” Mankee said. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.