by Melissa Newland
The Baraga International Travel Club recently returned from an adventure in San Jose, Costa Rica. The group took three flights to its destination and three flights back to the UP, enjoying 10 days experiencing the local cuisine and country of Costa Rica. This is the third trip abroad for Baraga Area School (BAS) Counselor (6-12) and Club Advisor Michele Serafin with BAS students and parents. Every two years students 13 years and up wanting to travel with the group can sign up and raise funds for whichever destination is planned with Education First (EF). Parents who traveled with the group this year were Jackie Heikkinen, Suzanne Kahkonen, Garrick Lamb and James Tembreull. Students taking on the challenge of raising funds and seeing the sights of Costa Rica were Samantha Heikkinen, Keegin Kahkonen, Haily Lamb, Nikira Maki, Courtney Tembreull, Holly Rogers, Madelyn Turpeinen, Tristan Stockton and Jaden Serafin. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.