by Barry Drue
A legal case is moving forward involving a dispute over provision of electrical service between the Village of L’Anse and Upper Peninsula Power Company (UPPCO). At issue is service currently provided by UPPCO to customers in the Dynamite Hill Road Industrial Park. Three customers, Collins Bros. Sawmill, L’Anse Manufacturing and the village water tank are seeking village-supplied electricity which would be less expensive. UPPCO has brought suit seeking a Temporary Restraining Order, Preliminary and Permanent Injunction. Legal paperwork was filed with Baraga County Circuit Court on behalf of both parties in August. “On October 24 we have a court date in circuit court,” Village Manager Bob LaFave said. “I believe there will be arguments in front of the judge.” Plaintiff UPPCO is represented by Dykema Gossett PLLC of Lansing and Casselman and Henderson PC of Marquette. The Village of L’Anse is represented by Dickinson Wright PLLC of Lansing. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.