Students head to Lansing

YIG EARLY CONFERENCE–Senior Alana Jorgenson above was one of four students who traveled to Lansing Feb. 20-23 to attend the Early YIG Conference. Jorgenson participated in the leadership program this year, offering guidance to those who needed it. Other members who participated and traveled to Lansing were Makenna Crawford, Karissa Krajnak and Isabel Ostermeyer.

L’Anse Area School (LAS) Youth In Government (YIG) students traveled to Lansing to attend the Early Lansing YIG conference. The conference was held Thursday, Feb. 20 through Sunday, Feb. 23 in Lansing with four L’Anse YIG students attending, including Alana Jorgenson, Makenna Crawford, Karissa Krajnak, and Isabel Ostermeyer. Some YIG students chose not to attend this year due to the recent loss of the two L’Anse students and hospitalization of a third just previous to the scheduled trip. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.

Huge outpouring of support for students

IN MEMORY, HOPE–Homestead Graphics of Baraga created and donated banners displayed at last Tuesday night’s basketball game in L’Anse. Posted at the back of the gym, they served as a focal point for students and community members who came together in support of the youths’ families, and for one another. A boys’ game slated for Calumet that night was postponed so students could be together.

by Nancy Besonen
The L’Anse High School (LHS) gym was packed to its rafters last Tuesday following a tragedy that shook the community to its core. Two LHS seniors, 17-year-olds Dylan Roberts of Aura and Christopher Turpeinen of Pelkie, had died the day before and 17-year-old LHS junior Hunter Pelon of Baraga was still fighting for her life after the three were found in a vehicle that was still running. Asphyxiation was suspected. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.

Residence receives warm welcome; Open house at women’s recovery center

BLESS THIS HOUSE–Volunteer Robbie Schultz, center, greets the crowd that filled the Ripple Recovery Residence for its open house, which included blessings and thanks last Thursday, Feb. 13, 2020. L-r are Rev. Nathan Reed, Pastor John Henry, Schultz, Arlene Ripple and Denise Cadeau.

by Nancy Besonen
The Ripple Recovery Residence  received a warm welcome from the community at its open house Thursday, Feb. 13, 2020. Clergy, municipal leaders, Great Lakes Recovery Centers (GLRC) administrators and the public packed the building which will serve as home to women with substance abuse issues re-entering mainstream life. Tours were taken, blessings bestowed and snacks enjoyed by future friends and neighbors. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.

CJ K-2 enjoying new program

GOOD BEHAVIOR–CJ Sullivan students Zander Tammelin, Bentley VanHaecke, Dusk Bolo and Skylar Walitalo in snow fort. ‘What’s the Buzz’ program celebrates respectful bahavior, safe choices.


The L’Anse Area School (LAS) CJ Sullivan Elementary K-2 grades have been working on “What’s the Buzz,” a program which celebrates respectful, responsible and safe choices. Kindergarten  through second grade students making the right choices were rewarded with three 30-minute rotation stations where they were able to participate in different activities. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.

House fire claims life of L’Anse man

FATAL FIRE–A mid-morning fire on Wednesday, Jan. 29, 2020, took the life of the lone occupant at this North 4th Street home in L’Anse. Christopher Botruff was found just a few feet from the back door, unresponsive. Efforts to resusciatate the man were unsuccessful. L’Anse Fire Chief Mike Bianco said it was the first fatal fire in L’Anse during his 37 years with the department.

by Barry Drue
A house fire claimed the life of a L’Anse man on Wednesday morning, Jan. 29, 2020. Christopher Botruff, 57, was found unresponsive when L’Anse Police entered a back door at the home at 422 North 4th Street. Life-saving measures were unsuccessful. Botruff lived alone at the home. The L’Anse Police Department, L’Anse Fire Department, Baraga County Sheriff ’s Department , Michigan State Police, Baraga Police Department and Bay Ambulance were on the scene. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.

Van Stratens look back over long, busy lives; ‘Time flies’ after 42 years at historic Pequaming

ALWAYS AT IT–Pete Van Straten, a couple years ago on his Travel Lift hauling boats from the Pequaming Marina in the fall. Historic Henry Ford mill building is in the background.

by Barry Drue
Watching the mid-winter snow pile up from the windows of their home at Pequaming, Ford’s former Pequaming High School, Pete and Lil Van Straten have lots to think about. At 92 they still try to stay as active as they can be, but for Pete, that’s not active enough. The hard-working, self-made logger, road builder, and for decades, machine shop fabricator and owner, hates to slow down. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.

Propose alternative L’Anse-Baraga route; Turning Plains Rd. into Class A county rd. considered

County Road Commission proposes turning 17 miles of Baraga Plains Rd. to Class A.

by Barry Drue
Area residents and through-travelers have experienced the inconvenience of closures of U.S. 41 at the head of Keweenaw Bay between L’Anse and Baraga several times in recent years. Wind-driven fall storms in November, 2017 and 2019 have pushed water and woody debris across the highway, closing it to traffic. Two fatal traffic accidents have closed the highway for hours in the last couple of years. A Dec. 23, 2016, vehicle crash and explosion at 3:40 a.m. into the SEMCO natural gas gate station on U.S. 41 across from Erickson Hardware resulted in the highway’s closure while the situation was brought under control. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.

Busy ballots, new rules for March 10 primary; State Prop. 18-3 brings easier registration, absentee voting

GETTING READY–L’Anse Township Clerk Kristin Kahler will be conducting her first election with the Michigan primary on March 10. She is getting the word out that a proposition approved in 2018 makes same-day voter registation possible, and allows “no reason” absentee voting if people request and fill out an application. Kahler was appointed to fill the vacancy left by retiring Brian Jentoft.

by Barry Drue

Michigan’s Presidential Primary Election is sneaking up and there’s a ton on the ballot across the townships of Baraga County. In addition to the heavy load of Presidential primary candidates, L’Anse, Covington and Spurr townships each have multiple proposals on their ballots. The March 10, 2020, vote will also bring the changes making it easier to register to vote, and vote absentee, approved statewide in November, 2018. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.

Lozier buying Bay Auto from Koskinens

NEW ERA—Bob and Sally Koskinen, left and right, are selling Bay Auto Parts to Nick Lozier, center. It’s not a new face joining the Bay crew—Nick has worked there behind the counter since he was 16 years old in 1996. “I’m not planning any major changes. Bob and Sal ran a good business,” Nick said. The veteran crew of employees will also remain unchanged for the transition, which is a big help.

by Barry Drue
After a long run as owners of Bay Auto Parts in Baraga, Bob and Sally Koskinen are selling the business to veteran employee Nick Lozier. The transition has been in the planning stages for several months and took place last week. After a stint in the Pettibone parts department, Bob Koskinen managed the original store, Brown Auto, since Don and Helen Spear opened it where Mr. Tire is now, adjacent to Larry’s Market. “They were from Hancock and owned the Brown Auto there. When they opened the store here, I managed it since July, 1984,” Bob said. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.

Aura auxiliary awards college scholarship

SCHOLARSHIP–Aura Hospital Auxiliary members left and right, Cheryl Vander Meulen and Pat Stein present a $1,500 college scholarship to Rachel Mills. Mills is a senior in nursing at Northern Michigan University. The Aura Auxiliary presents a scholarship annually to a college student in a health care-oriented program.

by Barry Drue
The Aura Hospital Auxiliary has presented its annual scholarship to a college student studying for a medical field. The Auxiliary, one of the oldest remaining hospital auxiliaries in the region, presented a $1,500 scholarship to Aura resident and NMU senior, Rachel Mills. The L’Anse High School graduate is close to achieving her Registered Nursing and BSN degree after four years of study. Hospital Auxiliary President Cheryl Vander Meulen said the auxiliary used to fundraise to provide two smaller scholarships to students training in the health care and medical field. The group decided recently with the cost of college expenses to gear toward one larger scholarship. Mills was selected from a field of five applicants this year. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.