by Barry Drue
The second phase of a multi-year plan to improve access and facilities at the county park at Pt. Abbaye is expected to be completed this fall before snow flies. The rugged, rocky shores at the tip of the point are popular with tourists and local residents alike. The largely grant-funded projects were approved by the Pt. Abbaye Planning Committee back in 2011 after significant public input. The committee included Bill Menge, Don Mankee, Doug Mills, Bob Korth, Calvin and Roy Koski. County Clerk Wendy Goodreau noted that Phase 1 was completed in 2018, Phase 2 will be most likely done this fall mainly to improve trails and add some picnic areas, and future trail work will be done in Phase 3. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.