KB Fire Dept. visits 911, receives new truck

911 VISIT–Three Keweenaw Bay Fire Department firefighters shadowed 911 dispatchers at the Negaunee Regional Communication Center (NRCC) last Thursday. Pictured above are, back l-r, NRCC Dispatcher Adam Holloway, KBFD Captain Jake Putala, NRCC Dispatcher David Neuffer and, front l-r, KBFD Chief Diane Morin and KBFD Assistant Chief Garrick Lamb.

The Keweenaw Bay Fire Department (KBFD) was busy last week shadowing dispatchers at the Negaunee Regional Communication Center and acquiring a new truck for the fleet.
Three KBFD firefighters shadowed 911 dispatchers at the Negaunee Regional  Communication Center (NRCC) last Thursday. KBFD Chief Diane Morin, Assistant Chief Garrick Lamb and Captain Jake Putala, who also serve as Baraga Fire Department (BFD) firefighters, spent several hours at the NRCC to learn about its operations. The NRCC answers 911 calls and dispatches police, EMS, and fire agencies in Baraga, Gogebic, Houghton, Keweenaw, Ontonagon, and Schoolcraft counties. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.

Looking back to early 2021

DRIVE-THROUGH–Tom and Ruthy Brown of L’Anse at the drive up COVID vaccine clinic at Baraga County Memorial Hospital last January. RETIRED–Rick Johnson retired as Sheriff of Baraga County after a long, rewarding career in law enforcement.

by Teri Rowe
At this time of year, the Sentinel offers a recap of the past year to its readers. Here are the important stories from January to June 2021. The year 2021 was better than 2020, albeit everyone moved cautiously with COVID 19 precautions. It seems to be the new normal.  Here are some of the stories from January through June, 2021. January- Baraga and L’Anse Area Schools welcomed their full student bodies back to school. Class resumed
Monday, Jan. 4, 2021 to the start of a new year. Hopefully, this marked the end of the order issued Nov. 15, by the MDHHS, calling for a halt to in-person attendance at high school and colleges. During a 3- week period, COVID-19 cases were on the rise. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.

Santa sighted at Baraga Fire Dept.

Presetnts galore were available for registration to win at the Baraga Fire Hall Saturday, Dec. 18, 2021. The event was a drive-thru party, but fun was had by all.

by Melissa Newland
A drive-thru Christmas party was held at the Baraga Fire Hall last weekend where kids were able to hand deliver their lists to Santa, register for a gift and a get a bag of sugary delights. The event was held Saturday, Dec. 18, 2021 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and was sponsored by the Baraga Fire Department. Approximately 200 children attended to place
their letters to Santa in the mailbox and drive through the Fire Hall garage to pick up their goodies. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.

‘Light up Baraga County’ shines

THE TREADEAU’S–were just one of the families who registered and decorated a float for the‘Light up Baraga County’ parade held at 5:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 11. Photo by Tracey Barrett.

by Melissa Newland
Baraga County was ‘lit up’ this past Saturday with a full day of events as family, friends and community members gathered to celebrate ‘Light Up Baraga County’ with holiday cheer, a visit from Santa, caroling, a parade and a bonfire along with the lighting of the Christmas  tree. Approximately 25 entrants registered floats, according to the Baraga County  Convention & Visitor’s Bureau Barb McEwen. “It was all around amazing,” said McEwen.  “The crowd turnout, the volunteers and the community all made it so special”. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.

KBOCC students host forum

ZOOM FORUM–Top row l-r, time keeper, Julie Belew, candidates Susan LaFernier and Chris Swartz (Kim Klopstein). Middle l-r, Tyler Larson, Suzie Elmblad and Liz Julio. Bottom l-r, Dale Goodreau, student representative, Brent Waranka and Chris Loonsfoot. Klopstein shared the camera with Chris Swartz, and is not pictured.


by Teri Rowe
On Thursday, Dec. 2, 2021, the Keweenaw Bay Ojibwa Community College presented the  KBIC Tribal Council General Election Candidate Forum via Zoom. Denise M. Cadeau,  Anishinaabe Studies Department Chair Keweenaw Bay Ojibwa Community College, hosted the forum and Brent Waranka, representing the student body, asked eight questions. Baraga District Candidates attending the event Liz Julio, Chris Loonsfoot, Dale Goodreau (INC), Susan LaFernier (INC), Suzie Elmblad, Tyler Larson, Kim Klopstein (INC) and Chris Swartz (INC). To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.

Many hands provide free Thanksgiving dinner

MANY VOLUNTEERS–came together to put together the Free Community Turkey Dinner Thanksgiving Day for those in need. The group put together a total of 312 dinners which were picked up at the L’Anse United Methodist Church or delivered.

by Melissa Newland

Those who received meals during the Free Community Turkey Dinner have much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving, especially for the huge effort put in not only in the
kitchen, but behind the scenes, by many in the community. “Many months of preparation take place by volunteers, along with generous donations given by businesses, organizations and individuals towards the event. That’s what makes it all come together,” stated longtime volunteer and now organizer Sally Klaasen. She noted about 25 individuals were involved
either in the church packing meals or out delivering meals during the day Thanksgiving. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.

Van Straten Enterprises wins ‘Best of Show’ in Las Vegas

BEST OF SHOW–Van Straten Enterprises, Inc. has been awarded “Best of Show”, while Ford won ‘Car of the Year’ by Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA) in Las Vegas, NV for its X3 Solar Generator/Charging System in the Ford Mustang Mache-E. L-r, George Van Straten, VSE/X3 Energy, LaRon Brown, Ford Motor Company, Neil Tjin, Tjin Edition and Jill Van Straten, VSE/X3 Energy.

by Teri Rowe
Baraga’s own Van Straten Enterprises, Inc. (VSE) has been awarded “Best of Show”, while Ford won ‘Car of the Year’ by Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA) in Las Vegas,
NV for its X3 Solar Generator/ Charging System in the Ford Mustang Mache-E. The VSE X3 Solar Generator/Charging System highlights removable solar panels on the hood and  windshield. Solar panels on the roof and rear window can be either permanently fixed or removable. Louvers allow the electric car to operate fully without access to an EV (electric vehicle) charging station. “The SEMA Award celebrates the industry’s unique ability to identify and set trends that influence automotive enthusiasts worldwide,” said Chris Kersting—Sema President and CEO. “Consumers are able to look at SEMA Award winners for guidance on which vehicles offer the greatest opportunities for customization.” To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.

Local rally driver takes home championship title

CHAMPIONSHIP WINNER–Al Dantes, Jr., along with his beloved #50 rally car, Rexine. Dantes attended 8 rallies through the year, picking up codrivers and crew along the way. Photo by Al Dantes, Jr.

by Melissa Newland
After 10 years in the making and crossing the finish line at the Show Me Rally in Potosi, MO, Al Dantes of L’Anse officially celebrated his win for the title of 2021 American Rally Association East Division Open 2WD Driver Champion. Dantes and his team were elated to take home the hard-won honor after the event held Nov. 5-6, 2021 that they worked so hard to attain. “This year’s American Rally Association and NASA RallySport season was unbelievable for me,” said Dantes about the season. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.

LAS upgrades industrial education equipment

NEW EQUIPMENT–The HAAS CNC minimill, which was added last year to LAS’s IE Building, allows students an opportunity to experience what they use in the industry. Students are able to design parts and create a program associated with it.

by Melissa Newland
The L’Anse Area School’s (LAS) Industrial Education (IE) building has had many new  equipment upgrades to help introduce students into several common local trades. This past summer, LAS hired on new IE Instructor James Oger to teach Machine Woods, Work Based Learning, Metal Fabrications and a Career and Technical Education (CTE) Foudations class. With over 20 years in the industry, Oger brings with him previous experience teaching  welding for the Gogebic – Ontonagon Intermediate School District (GOISD) and also for Southern Technical College in Orlando, FL. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.

L’Anse Legion to hold 100th birthday celebration

A CELEBRATION–will be held at the L’Anse American Legion Post #144 Saturday, Nov. 13, 2021 starting at 5 p.m. to commemorate the 100th birthday of its founding and the 50th birthday of the present L’Anse American Legion Post #144.

by Melissa Newland
The American Legion has had a long history here in Baraga County and the L’Anse American Legion Post #144 will be celebrating not only the 100th birthday of its founding, but also the 50th birthday of the present L’Anse American Legion Post #144.
The event will take place Saturday, Nov. 13, 2021 at the Post starting with a cocktail hour at 5 p.m. dinner at 6 p.m. and a panel conversation program presented at 7 p.m. A panel of past post commanders and longtime leaders of Post #144 has been assembled for the
event and will lead a conversation about the history of the Post along with their experiences and memories covering the past 50 years. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.