Powwow celebrates 45 years

GRAND ENTRY– The Keweenaw Bay Indian Community’s (KBIC) Maawanj’iding (Powwow) took place this past weekend at the Ojibwa campgrounds. The grand entry consisted of the presenting of the colors, a presentation of the tribal flags and staffs by veterans, followed by each drum group taking over one after another, and dancers filing into the dance circle.

by Porter Davis

Let’s start out with a bit of history. Long before the United States, the pilgrims, or the settlement of the Americas by the Europeans, the Great Lakes region and the Upper
Peninsula were home a nation of peoples indigenous to the land. In Upper Michigan, the Anishinaabe, or Ojibwa, were the first people to settle around Lake Superior. Stretching into Canada, northern Wisconsin, and Minnesota, the Ojibwa have lived around Lake Superior for at least a thousand years or more. In all this time, the nation’s rich culture and history has grown to encompass many of the modern-day people that live in their ancestral home. Such cultural traditions and celebrations have been extended into a Powwow held by the
Keweenaw Bay Indian Community (KBIC). To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.

Jamboree draws big crowd

OUTDOOR PERFORMANCES–were scattered around the grounds of the Aura Community Hall this past weekend with spectators enjoying a variety of music at the 45th Annual Aura Jamboree. An old car/farm equipment display was also set up at the Aura Ball Field.

by Melissa Newland
Aura Hall Board members and many volunteers were kept plenty busy before, during, and after the 45th Annual Aura Jamboree which took place this past weekend and welcomed visitors and musicians both locally and out of state. Both performers and spectators  enjoyed the beautiful weather during the weekend, with performances being done around the grounds and in the hall during the late afternoon on Friday July 15 starting at 5 p.m.
Rain and thunderstorms starting at around 9:30 p.m. didn’t dampen the mood though as it drove outside crowds indoors to listen to the sounds of “Rolling Thunder” and “Chad Borgen and the Collective” playing for the crowd who hit the dance floor from 8 a.m. until midnight. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.

Lumberjack Days draws crowd

DEER SEASON–The Lumberjack Days parade took place on the fouth of July. The 1st place float “Deer Season”, was created by Pettibone and it rolled through soaking the crowd in water to cool down and have some fun.

by Porter Davis
Baraga County’s annual Lumberjack Days has been a central part of Independence Day for the area since the early 1970’s, though the tradition began in 1969. The original Lumberjack Days centered around the Lumberjack Dance in which a local queen was crowned and reigned in the festivities. These days, a new queen is crowned and opens the ceremony with a street dance where all are welcome. The 2023 Lumberjack Days began on Monday, July 3, at 6:30 p.m. and the new queen, Kianna Schroeder of Baraga, was crowned shortly. Following the ceremony, the street dance began and lasted until midnight.
The following day, the Fourth of July, was kicked off with a pancake breakfast by Baraga  Lions Club at Baraga Area Schools as well as a 5k run that had great turnout. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.

Deputies join department

William Jondreau and Jamas Gustafson.

by John Raffel
Baraga County sheriff Joseph Brogan has announced two new deputy additions to the staff over the past several months. Brogan said Jamas Gustafson was hired by the Sheriff’s Office in September of 2022. Gustafson, according to the release, is a 2016 graduate of LaSalle High School, a 2018 Northern Michigan University graduate with an associates degree in Criminal Justice. It was added that Gustafson was an assistant football coach last fall with the L’Anse Junior High Football team. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.

Baraga County tests emergency response

OUT IN FULL FORCE–Baraga County ran drills on emergency response to an active shooter situation on Wednesday, June 21 in L’Anse. Above, four ambulances arrive on the scene, each testing their speed and ability to treat and transport victims.

by Porter Davis

No one wants to think about school shootings, let alone imagine one could happen in a small town like L’Anse, but that is a potential reality we all face. As firearms become the leading cause of death among children in the United States, with gun violence a significant factor, local emergency services must be prepared for the worst. On Wednesday, June 21, 2023, the full Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and law enforcement of Baraga County were drilled on their reactions and proficiencies in dealing with a potential active shooting situation at L’Anse Area Schools (LAS). LAS partially hosted the drill after nonparticipants had left for the day. Several students and staff volunteered to be faux victims of an armed assailant, fit with makeup and prosthetics to make the drill as real as possible. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.

Camp 911 well attended

CAMP 911–participants during the 23rd annual Camp 911 held Tuesday, June 13 and Wednesday, June 14, 2023, hosted by Bay Ambulance. The camp has three main goals, including teaching injury prevention, CPR and bleeding control techniques, and to try to capture interest at an early age in the emergency services field to potentially use as a career field or be a volunteer.

by Melissa Newland
Fifth and sixth grade students from area schools were able to experience Camp 911 again this year during Bay Ambulance’s 23rd annual event. The program is a free two-day camp which Director Gary Wadaga noted has three goals, to teach injury prevention, CPR and bleeding control techniques, and to try to capture interest at an early age in the emergency services field to potentially use as a career field or be a volunteer. “We receive donations from local organizations and agencies to help underwrite the costs,” said Bay Ambulance Director Gary Wadaga. “We had a lot of great donations from local businesses and  community members.” To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.

Lake Trout Fest, Classic has great turnout

KID’S FISHING POND–put on by the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community Natural Resources Department (KBIC NRD) was a big hit at the Baraga County Lake Trout Festival. Youngsters enjoyed dipping their hands in the water to touch the fish and trying to net them.

by Melissa Newland
Overcast skies and rain along with slightly rough water didn’t dissuade those
who signed up to try to catch a big haul of fish and win big bucks and a chance
at $100,000 during the Keweenaw Bay Classic Fishing Tournament or the Baraga County Lake Trout Festival festivities 2023. The tournament coincided with free fishing weekend and was cohosted by the Baraga County Convention & Visitors Bureau and the Baraga County Next Gen Team. Events kicked off Friday, June 9, 2023, with a pre-tournament fishing tourney along with the last entrants registering for the Keweenaw Bay Classic
Fishing Tournament that evening. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.

‘So long and goodnight’

CLASS OF 2023–The L’Anse High School class of 2023 took to the L’Anse Area School gymnasium Thursday, June 1, 2023, to accept their well deserved diplomas, with 56 students earning the achievement. The gym was packed with LAS administration/staff, family, friends, and community members to celebrate the occasion. Photo credit to KT Creative by Katey Tapani.

by Melissa Newland
Joy and congratulations were in the air last week as the L’Anse High School class of 2023 wove their way through the streets of downtown L’Anse to the cheers of family, friends, and community members who lined the sidewalks during the Senior Parade. The graduating class of 56 students then gathered in the L’Anse Area School (LAS) gymnasium to receive their diplomas before a packed audience. The evening was warm and beautiful on  Thursday, June 1 as the LAS gym bleachers filled up with guests and the class of 2023 lined up by the gym doors waiting for the ceremony to begin at 7 p.m. LHS band members and
Director Aaron Poniatowski started the program with James D. Ployhar’s “Fanfare &
Processional,” announcing the senior’s entrance. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.

Graduates walk at BHS

GRADUATION NIGHT-Baraga Area Schools class of 2023 graduated on Friday, May 26, 2023. The class valedictorian, MaKayla Smith gives a speech thanking her friends and family and remembering all the best moments from her class.

by Porter Davis
Walking into the gymnasium and seeing so many happy and excited families and teachers truly made the day of Baraga Area Schools (BAS) graduation feel special. Not just in that way that watching someone accomplish something makes you happy for them, but in a way that makes you realize they’re embarking on lifelong journeys that will be different and unique to every one of the graduates. The ceremony was held the evening of Friday, May 27, 2023. The atmosphere couldn’t have been more hopeful and excitedly anxious inside the hallway just before the graduates entered the gymnasium, each of them realizing this would be their last time lining up as a class. As the class entered through a purple and gold balloon archway, Edward Elgar’s Processional, “Pomp and Circumstance”, was played over the speakers. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.

Successful hunt, Nine inch beard, 23 lbs

BIG BIRD–Matt Waters recently shot this 23-pound turkey with 9-inch beard and 3/4 inch spurs.

by John Raffel
Ottawa Sportsman Club president Matt Waters is expecting sportsmen’s activities to be picking up in full force. “Trap and skeet shooting has started and pistol shooting has started too,” Waters said. “It’s more of a for-fun thing. We have skeet on Tuesday, trap on Wednesdays and pistol on Thursday. Anybody can come, members and nonmembers. Our turnouts have been good.” Waters has not had a chance to go fishing but recently went out turkey hunting and had success. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.