The reserved gardener did it and detective Sam Splayed put the pieces together to prove it. Splayed, (Chris Harden) was one of more than a dozen cast members in L’Anse High School Drama Club’s April 29-May 1 performance of Murder at Rundown Abbey. The two-act, seven scene comedy centers on Gus Grumble (Dylan Grentz) and Olive Green’s (Camryn Hahn) attempt to steal the family fortune of Lord Percival Crumbledown (Porter Davis) and his wife Lady Pamela Crumbledown (Emma Ostermeyer) after Lord Percival is dealt what ends up being temporary amnesia. Only long-time butler Treadlightly (Antonio Aleo) has been with the family long enough to know that rumble is actually Lord Percival’s brother. So after Grumble takes care of Treadlightly, Green presents paperwork intended to relinquish the family of its wealth. Meanwhile, a visit to Yankee Inquiries by Lady Pamela, results in Splayed and his secretary Kitty Katz (Dana Hiltunen), figuring out how to get themselves into the Abbey and help solve the mystery of Treadlightly’s disappearance. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.