Hunter’s Safety Instructors pass on knowledge

PRACTICE–is the key when learning hunting safety for rifles, as those attending the program learned this past weekend. According to Lead Instructor Mike Roth at the end of the day 25 people got their hunter safety certificates and everyone passed the written test.

by Melissa Newland
Instructors gathered together this past weekend at the Ottawa Sportsmen Club (OSC) to pass on their knowledge of safe firearm handling to new hunters. The Hunter Safety event happened  Saturday, Aug. 15, 2021, with the help of Lead Instructor Mike Roth, Archery and Muzzleloader Instructor Jerry Glisson, Shotgun Instructor Chad Grentz, Firearm Safety Instructors Tonia Friisvall and Cathy Schjoth, Rifle Instructor Roy Lyberg and Navigation and First Aid Instructor Russ Weisinger. The OSC sponsors the program every year and provides participants with the use of the facilities, equipment (rifles, shotguns, muzzleloaders, etc.) and ammunition. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.

County fair brings laughter, fun

BOUNCY FUN–Youngsters enjoy the bouncy houses at the Baraga County Fair, Aug. 7 and 8. Youth shrieks of excitement and laughter are always a sound dancing through the fairgrounds.

by Breanna Hoffman

The Baraga County Fair kicked off this past Friday bringing members of the Baraga County Community and beyond to the Pelkie fair grounds for the event. Fair goers were able to experience some  of the best the county has to offer in multiple categories including art, talent, farm animals, bounce house fun and more. The fair ran from Friday Aug. 6 to Sunday, Aug. 8 and was packed  with events that were fun for the whole family. The first day of the fair was full of awards and the arrival of 4- H animal exhibits. Queen candidates gathered for the awarding of the crowns and special awards for Progressive Farmer, Pioneer Farmer, Friends of the Fair and Senior Citizen of the Year were handed out as well. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.

New BCMH board trustees ready for challenge

by John Raffel
William Menge and Jayne Walbridge were recently appointed to fill two vacancies on the Baraga County Memorial Hospital Board of Trustees. They have already had their first meeting as trustees and are ready to take on the challenges that come with the positions. They will be filling the seats formerly held by Dr. Harold Ripple and Courtney Clisch. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.

Over 6000 attend Pow Wow

HEAD VETERAN–Dancer, Rodney Loonsfoot, led the Grand Entries at the 43rd Annual KBIC Maawanj’iding held at the Ojibwa Campgrounds on US-41 in Baraga this past weekend, July 23-25. Over 6000 spectators showed up for the threeday event, coming in from Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota and other surrounding states.

by Melissa Newland
It was a spectacular experience for those attending the 43rd Annual Keweenaw Bay Indian Community’s (KBIC) Maawanj’iding (Pow Wow) at the Ojibwa Campgrounds on US-41 in Baraga this  past weekend. With sunny skies, tasty food and the beautiful array of color and talent exhibited by those participating in the event, those attending were able to share in and learn a part of tribal traditions and culture. According to Committee members, over 6,000 spectators attended and over 500 dancers registered during the free admittance three-day gala, which began on Friday, July 23, 2021, welcoming in the public with the Grand Entry at 7 p.m. and ended on Sunday with the final Grand Entry at 1 p.m. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.

Inauguration 2021 gone, but not forgotten


by John Raffel
The Presidential Inauguration Day on Jan. 20, 2021, is one which L’Anse members of the National Guard won’t forget for a long time. Lieutenant Colonel Lucas Lanczy is the commander for the  107th Engineer Battalion, which is all the National Guard units in the Upper Peninsula and one unit in Traverse City. He graduated in 1998 from L’Anse High School. “I got a call about 96 hours to 72 hours from the inauguration saying I had to deploy my entire battalion to Washington D.C. for inauguration support,” Lanczy said. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.

Koski awarded for dedication, commitment

KOSKI FAMILY–in attendance to help celebrate Roy’s dedication to the Baraga County Road Commission were (back, l-r) Gail, Calvin, Steve, Anne and (front) Eila Koski

by Melissa Newland
Known for his dedication and commitment to Baraga County and its surrounding small communities, the late Roy “Buddy” Koski was recently awarded with the County Road Association’s Distinguished Service Award.” The award “recognizes those who have dedicated their time and service to the advancement of the county road system and is typically bestowed on members who  have gone above and beyond the call of duty in serving the Association and its members.” The award was presented to Roy’s wife, Eila, at a small gathering at the Baraga County Road Commission Office on Thursday, July 8, 2021, by Commission Vice Chair Harold Miron on behalf of the other members. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.

Lumberjack Days a success

TREADEAU FAMILY—float, “Fun Bunch” took first place at the Baraga Lumberjack Days parade. Homestead Graphics took second, J & E Entertainment third, Native Nails fourth, Hulkkonen Farms fifth and Baraga Co. Catholic Community took sixth.

by Melissa Newland
Plenty of things were happening in Baraga County for the Fourth of July celebration this past weekend, including numerous parades, a street dance, kid’s games, a bean bag tournament, karaoke and fireworks. The weather was beautiful starting out the festivities for the weekend and throughout as old and young alike celebrated the Stars and Stripes on Saturday and Sunday in Baraga for the Lumberjack Days. After not having the event last year due to COVID-19, many were eager this year to celebrate with friends, family and neighbors. “We needed this event after the year off,” said Lumberjack Days Committee Secretary Abby Mayo. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.

Dave Seavoy retires after 37 years of service

AWARD ACCEPTED–L’Anse Village Manager Bob LaFave presents retired L’Anse Village Police Officer Dave Seavoy with a plaque for his 37 years of service to the L’Anse Police Department.

by Breanna Hoffman and
Melissa Newland
After 37 years of service, L’Anse Village Patrol Officer, and former Chief of Police, David Seavoy completed his last official day on the job at the L’Anse Village Police Department June 4, 2021 when he officially hung up his badge in lieu of retirement. His career, and commitment to the Baraga County community, has spanned many years and Baraga County residents have much to thank him for. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.

Road commission busy with several projects

Bass brothers–Brothers Will Knisely, age 4, (left) and Charlie Knisely, age 6, went fishing with dad Rick Knisely on Saturday, June 14, 2021, at Big Lake. Both caught a lot of bass and photographer and mom, Jennifer Knisely, was able to capture the memories as the two reeled them in.

by John Raffel
The Baraga County Road Commission has released some highlight of road activity in the county this year: • US41 – Reconstruction of the M28/US41 is underway and being completed by Bacco Construction. This is a $5.2 million project reconstruction of about 4.5 miles of US-41 from Pine Street in Three Lakes to east of Tioga Creek, Baraga County. • 2.0 miles of paving is underway on Ford Road from M28 southerly in Covington Township. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.

Locally sourced food options growing; Number of small farms, producers offer products

FOOD PRODUCERS–The annual pre-season meeting of participants in the local farmers market was held June 1. Farmers markets take place at the L’Anse Waterfront Park on Saturday mornings from 9- noon, and at the Baraga County Museum grounds, U.S. 41 in Baraga, Wednesday afternoons from 3-5 p.m. Getting organized for the 2021 season are, l-r, Joyce Budreau, Patsy Keyes, Charles Hildenbrand, Cheryl and Mark Braun and UP Local Food Coordinator Alex Palzewicz.

by Barry Drue
Locally sourced, grown and produced food is becoming increasingly popular as more consumers reach out for local, organic and humanely produced food. Food networks have become established around Marquette and Houghton, which both offer popular food co-operatives with many products from the UP and area. An effort is taking shape to provide consumers in and around Baraga County with more organized information about sources for local food and homemade products. For now the Baraga County Chamber of Commerce is providing space on its site for a list of producers and products that can be accessed through To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.