Nick Lindeman Jr.–front row, third from left–along with two other business partners–purchased Selkey Manufacturing Jan. 31, 2015. The new facility will continue offering the same quality welding and manufacturing as in the past. However plans are in the works to broaden out to include new ventures to complement the business. The company employs 19 fulltime and one part-time workers. Included are, front row, l-r, Kristine Miller, Clarence Darcy, Lindemann, Gary Fredrikson, Ken King. Back row, l-r, Bob Janisse, Ray Kaurala, Chris Kelly, Sam Parker, Durwyn Chaudier, Ron Thompson, Tom Mleko, Steve Geer, Bill Bolo, Kurt Retaskie, Silas Heck, Doug LeClaire. Dwayne Thomley is missing from the photo.
Selkey Manufacturing of Baraga is under new ownership and has a new name effective Jan. 30, 2015. Baraga resident Nick Lindemann Jr. and several partners have joined forces to purchase the well-known welding and fabrication shop which will now be known as Selkey Fabricators LLC….
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