by Barry Drue
“It’s been a busy summer,” L’Anse Village Manager Bob LaFave said, sorting through boxes of project documents and rolls of engineering plans in his office. Three major projects are underway, or soon will be, across the village. Phase 1 of the marina improvement work is taking place at the marina and waterfront park. Phase 2 of the water project is in progress in various locations. The installation of sewer service and a Class A road to the Lambert Road Industrial Park is set to begin shortly. Marina Major renovation and improvement is right on schedule at the L’Anse Marina. The first phase of tentative work includes: Construction of a harbormaster/ bathroom/shower and changing room building; Redone sidewalks around the marina basin; Removal of the old chain link fence (retaining a locking gate so only boaters have access to their boats); Landscaping and new utilities (water and electricity) to the docks. The marina work is financed through a $260,000 DNR Waterways grant. UP Engineers and Architects has designed three potential phases of marina work. DP Construction of Chassell is doing the work. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.