by Porter Davis
Walking along the shore and looking out over the bay, the weather was pleasant, and the lake was calm. The clouds were gray, but no rain would fall all day during the Wiikwedong
Collaborative Second Annual Children’s Water Walk which took place starting along the beach trail behind the Baraga Tribal Police Offices. Fisherman and ducks could be seen across the water enjoying the morning Wednesday, May 10, 2023, trying to catch their
lunch. Children laughed and played along the trail while guides and parents chatted about the beautiful scenery. In all, it was estimated that close to 100 people showed up to walk
for the water. The Tribal Council came out to walk with the children and families to teach them the importance of the natural waters. From drinking, fishing, washing, or just swimming, the children were taught how the water needs to be kept clean and cared for,
for future generations. Terri Swartz, member of the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community (KBIC), director at the Head Start and organizer of the Childrens Water Walk, has been walking for the water for 13 years, and has walked in the Tribe’s Summer Water Walk every year since 2014. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.