by Barry Drue
An unknown entity has applied to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for permits to build 120 giant wind energy turbines across rugged and remote wild country from the Mt. Arvon area to Eagle Mine on the Yellow Dog Plains. The turbines would be 500 feet tall—approximately the height of a 50-story building. The FAA website indicates that the permits for all 120 turbines were applied for on Jan. 22, 2016. Perhaps but not necessarily related, FAA permits for a 46-turbine industrial energy project were applied for in downstate Ovid, Shiawassee County, on Jan. 25, 2016—also by an unnamed entity. The FAA site notes that the UP permits were filed under a Notice of proposed Construction, and that the proposal has not yet been studied. The FAA indicates the study will be announced when complete. Public comments on the project will not be sought by FAA, and will not be considered. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.