Student’s ‘wonders’ get answers

ANIMAL RESEARCH–was done by Baraga Area School students in Christine Scrogg’s split class of kindergarten/first graders after ‘wonders’ were placed on the ‘wonder wall’. KBIC DRN employees were on hand to help educate students. Back row l-r, Ally Ahola, Mikah Pallas, Kroy Ekdahl, Kyle Seppanen (DNR), Easton Denomie and Dekkar Denomie. Front l-r, Austin Ayres (DNR), Audrey Bratt, Emma Harden, Kyla Haataja, Shaniya Elmblad, and Asher Paznonski. Not present in the photo, but participating, were Dalyla Francois and Eli Mayo. Photo Credit Christine Scroggs.

by Melissa Newland
Baraga Area School (BAS) Elementary Teacher Christine Scroggs along with her split class of kindergarten/first graders have been busy as beavers working on an animal research project, culminating after about 6 weeks’ worth of work. According to Scroggs, at the beginning of January students were encouraged to come up with one thing that they “wonder” about. These “wonders” were then written on the classroom’s “wonder wall,”
which is used to drive Scroggs’ science and social studies lessons throughout the year. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.