by Barry Drue
A public comment period and public hearing are set by the Department of Environmental Quality’s Air Quality Division (AQD) in regard to the L’Anse Warden Electric Co. Convergen, owner of the L’Anse biomass electric generator, wants to add its engineered fuel pellets into the fuel stream at Warden. The plant is permitted to burn natural gas, wood chips, wood fines and bark, chipped tires and creosote-treated railroad ties. Convergen makes its pellets from 60-70 percent fiber/paper material, and 30-40 percent plastic material. Convergen has been permitted to test use of its pellets at Warden, and is now applying for a Permit To Install (PTI) to burn them on a permanent basis. Convergen is seeking to burn up to 50,000 tons of pellets per year. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.