Month the Baraga County Medical Control Authority presented 10 Lifesaver Awards at its meeting Monday, Feb. 18, 2019, at the hospital conference room. Plaques were presented to: Vicki Usitalo, Karin Adams, David Finegan, Matthew Morgan, Joseph Linder, Curtis Sutherland, Chad Soli, Robert Harry, Mark Skidmore and Nathan Lahti. “All of these individuals aided patients in cardiac arrest with CPR that resulted in “Return of Spontaneous Circulation” and saving the life of the individuals they aided,” said Gary Wadaga of Bay Ambulance who made the presentations along with Dr. Mark Cecilio. “Brain cells die in 4-6 minutes without oxygen and circulation. A successful resuscitation requires that CPR be started within that time frame,” Wadaga said. Three individual cases were involved with multiple people responding in the emergencies. Skidmore was in a store in December, 2016, when a person was found unresponsive, not breathing and with no pulse. He initiated CPR and was soon joined by responding Sheriff ’s Deputies Chad Soli and Robert Harry. “I was never so glad in my life to see those deputies arrive!” Skidmore told the group. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.