by Barry Drue
Major renovation and service improvements will take place at Baraga State Park this summer. The $1.2 million project will be done in two phases. The north portion of the park will be closed for construction from May 1 to June 27. The full park will be open for a couple weeks around the Fourth of July and then the south half will be closed and renovated from July 15 until the close of the season Oct. 28. Park officials Dan Dowdy and Kelly Somero are already hearing from campers who are eager for the improvements. Years of circuit breaker blows and ever-increasing electrical demand from larger and more well-equipped RV’s is pushing demand for new 50-amp service. “Bids have been obtained. We are reviewing them,” Dowdy said. “UP Engineering and Architects is doing the engineering. We haven’t seen anything like this here. Funding for the project comes from the department’s Park Improvement Fund. That money comes from user fees such as camping, recreational passports and other retail products. “We don’t get any tax money—it’s all user-based,” Dowdy noted. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.