by Barry Drue
“Copper Country Strong” has become the anthem of the region following the devastating flash flooding that severely impacted Houghton County and surrounding areas in the early morning hours of Sunday, June 17, 2018. Ashtin Pouttu’s logo of the Portage Lift Bridge and the UP is appearing on more and more Facebook profiles. Volunteers, financial donations, food, water and cleanup supplies have turned up in huge quantity to help the recovery. The Keweenaw Community Foundation is handling monetary donations for distribution, as is the Portage Health Foundation (PHF), which is also a non-profit community foundation. PHF has set up a 2018 Houghton County Flood Relief Fund. Portage Health Foundation commented last week: “We are approaching the $100K or cash donations made and pledges received. As they say here in the Yoop. . .HOLY WHAH!” The generosity is coming from across the region, including Baraga County, which suffered flood damage, too, but not to the extent it impacted areas to the north. Six to eight inches of rain fell in a short time in parts of Houghton County. In Baraga County rainfall amounts varied but estimates were closer to three to four inches. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.