Things just keep getting better for the annual Baraga County Spring Fling, according to Baraga Great Explor-
ation Site Coordinator Heather Jahfetson. This year’s marked the third and was held Saturday, April 11, 2015, at the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community’s (KBIC) Niiwin Akeaa Center. Cathy Benda, director of the Copper Country Great Start Collaborative (CCGSC) said more than 225 children and 125 adults attended the event. “Families and children had an opportunity to receive free books and tote bags courtesy of the Baraga County Community Foundation,” Benda said. “(They) had the opportunity to play in the Bouncy House, attend a teddy bear clinic and participate in hearing and vision screenings provided by the Chassell Lions Club.” Heather Jahfetson, Baraga Great Explorations site coordinator, said numbers were upsubstantially over last year and have increased since the inaugural event in 2013. “Last year we had approximately 300 participants and the year before we had approximately 250,” Jahfetson said
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