Musicians bring crowd to Aura

MUSIC GALORE–Many musicians took the stage at the 43rd annual Aura Jamboree Friday, July 19 and Saturday, July 20. The weather was perfect for the two-day event, with approximately 1200 people coming out to enjoy the performances. “Rolling Thunder” is pictured above playing for the crowd.

by Melissa Newland
Musicians and spectators alike came out July 19-20, 2019 to enjoy the 43rd annual Aura Jamboree held at the Aura Community Hall. According to Aura Hall Vice President Rene’ Lehto, approximately 1200 people came out to enjoy the event. Current Aura Hall board members, including President Mike Roberts, Vice President Rene’ Lehto, Secretary Darlene VanWert, Treasurer Kate Beer, and trustees Mary Williams, Fred Roberts, Ed Kilpela, Cindy Roberts and Angie Mayo, and many other volunteer community members come together every year to pull this event together. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.

Tragedy teaches lessons

MAKING THE TRIP–Roth family and friends at Storm King Mountain in Colorado. This is the 25th year since 14 firefighters were lost in a blaze that continues to teach fire managers how to conduct their dangerous jobs more safely. Roger Roth of L’Anse was killed in the South Canyon Fire. L-r, Dan Buckley who worked with Roger, Staci Roth and husband Jim in back, Wally and Carol Roth, center, and Mike Roth at right. Jim has made it his work to design safer firefighting equipment.

by Barry Drue
Twenty-five years has not diminished the loss and grief faced by the family and friends of 14 wild land firefighters killed in a fire blow-up on Storm King Mountain in Colorado. The toll included smoke jumpers from McCall ID, and among those who jumped in and perished on July 6, 1994, was then 30 year-old Roger Roth of L’Anse. That day changed many lives forever, including those of family and friends of the lost firefighters, and the entire wildland fire community. The South Canyon Fire has served as a training tool for firefighters to do their dangerous jobs safer and more effectively. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.

MTU grad student dies at Canyon Falls

Troopers were dispatched to the Canyon Falls Park in L’Anse Township at approximately 8 p.m. on July 5, 2019. Officers received a call regarding an adult male who had disappeared while swimming in the Sturgeon River. Witnesses reported that the man had jumped into the river several times and appeared to begin struggling in the strong current. The witnesses entered the water as well and tried to assist but became exhausted themselves and could not get the man out of the water. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.

CertainTeed updates plan for expansion, jobs

CERTAINTEED EXPANDING–The L’Anse ceiling tile plant will expand with a $10.3 million private investment and 25 additional jobs are being created. Local and state organizations helped facilitate the expansion.

Editor’s note: CertainTeed provided the following update on its expansion of the L’Anse ceiling tile plant: “On the quiet Keweenaw Bay, an inlet on the south shore of Lake Superior in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, sits one of the largest manufacturers of ceiling tiles in the United States. “In this rugged and rural community, CertainTeed has grown to appreciate the local workforce and reliable employees. Recently, the company made a decision to further its investment in the community, and expand operations, bringing an additional 25 jobs to the L’Anse area. “The natural grit and determination of the people who live in the area is attractive to manufactures like CertainTeed, now one of the area’s largest employers. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.

Curtis earns CC Firefighter of the Year; Honored for lifesaving, credits firefighter training

HONORED–Wesley Curtis, left, holds the Copper Country Fireman of the Year Award he received for saving Dorothy LaCourt, center, with husband, Jerry LaCourt, from her burning home last July.


by Melissa Newland
Baraga firefighter Wesley Curtis was honored this past weekend with being named the Copper Country Firefighter of the Year after saving the life of local resident Dorothy LaCourt from a house fire last year. Curtis, a 3-year veteran on the department, happened to be passing by the LaCourt residence on US-41 in Keweenaw Bay July 10, 2018, when he noticed smoke and then fire arising from an ATV parked in LaCourt’s garage. Without thinking of his own safety, Curtis immediately stopped at the scene, wanting to make sure no persons were inside the residence. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.

Fun in the sun at Trout Fest; Big crowd fills park

His work is done!–Hands filled with items to take home, CJ Sullivan student Prestan Stevens runs to the bus on the last day of school, a half-day on Friday, June 7, 2019. Prestan proudly noted that he’s completed second grade. Baraga students are in their first year with a later summer dismissal because they adjusted the schedule to have a few more days off during the school year. Baraga ends with a half day on Friday, June 14.

by Melissa Newland

The weather was beautiful this weekend as approximately 40 vendors rented booth space at the 14th annual Baraga County Lake Trout Festival. The event started in the early morning hours with fisherman up and out early for the Keweenaw Classic Fishing Tournament Saturday, June 8, 2019. The L’Anse Waterfront Park was packed with kids and adults of all ages in the afternoon, enjoying food, looking at crafts for sale, and playing at the kid’s carnival with a bounce house and obstacle course. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.

BHS grads step into future


MAGIC MOMENT–After 12 years of schooling the long anticipated moment arrives for the Baraga Class of 2019. Graduates celebrate with brand new diplomas in hand as the balloons drop from the ceiling on Friday, May 31, 2019. This year’s class is small with 21 graduates. One graduate from the L’Anse-Baraga Community Schools walked with the Baraga class last Barry Drue
Baraga’s Class of 2019 walked out of high school and into the future at the 128th Baraga High School commencement on Friday, May 31, 2019. Twenty-one BHS graduates and one from L’Anse-Baraga Community Schools received diplomas. The class was led by Valedictorian Ryan DesRochers and Salutatorian Martina Jahfetson. Speaker was 2001 Baraga graduate Dr. Thomas Stark, a cardiovascular surgeon. The Baraga middle/high school band opened the program with the traditional processional, followed by an honor song from the KBIC Woodland Singers. The Baraga High School Choir under the direction of Hillary Arundel, sang “Ocean & Stars”. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.

L’Anse graduates Class of 2019

CLASS OF 2019–celebrates as commencement comes to an end by throwing their caps into the air. The gymnasium was packed as a total of sixty-one students from the LAS Class of 2019 recieved their diplomas. Graduation was celebrated on Thursday, May 23, 2019.

by Melissa Newland
L’Anse Area School’s (LAS) gymnasium was packed as 61 seniors took their last walk to receive their diplomas during graduation. The ceremony was held Thursday, May 23, 2019 starting at 7 p.m., with LAS Band Director Aaron Poniatowski starting off the night with James D. Ployhar’s “Fanfare & Processional.” Senior Class President Star Edwards then led the crowd in reciting “The Pledge of Allegiance,” followed by a short welcome. LAS Principal Melissa Scroggs made opening statements, introducing both Salutatorian and Valedictorian Sarah Mills and Mandy Gransell. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.

Baraga NHS welcomes five

PHOENIX CHAPTER–of the National Honor Society welcomed five new members at last Tuesday’s induction ceremony at Baraga High School. Members, top row, l-r, Makenna Miller, Martina Jahfetson, Ryan DesRochers, Jenna Messer and Jonathan Mantila welcomed bottom row, l-r, Natalie Geer, Cameron Goodreau, Holly Rogers, Justin Smith and Madelyn Turpeinen.


by Nancy Besonen
Baraga Area Schools and the Phoenix Chapter of the National Honor Society (NHS) welcomed five new members in a ceremony held at the school Tuesday, May 14, 2019. Honorees included Natalie Geer, Cameron Goodreau, Holly Rogers, Justin Smith and Madelyn Turpeinen. Welcoming them onboard were current members Ryan DesRochers, Martina Jahfetson, Jonathan Mantila, Jenna Messer and Makenna Miller. The New Member Induction Night took place in the band room with proud family members, friends and staff joining in. Christina Gallup, Baraga High School math teacher and also an NHS member, served as guest speaker for the event. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.

Scholarship, leadership, character and service

NHS–New members were inducted into the National Honor Society at L’Anse Area Schools. Above, back lr are old members, Sarah Mills, Jessica Wickstrom, Peyton Holma, Abby LaForest, Star Edwards, Mandy Gransell, Camryn Hahn, Payton Hulkkonen, Alexa Stafford and Kyle Usimaki, New members include, front l-r, Darien Francois, Nathaniel Gransell, Ethan Hansen, Shelby Harrison, Alana Jorgenson, Addison Mattson, Josie Rice, Alicia Stein, Brynn VanBuren, Derrick Velmer and Kailyn Voskuhl.

by Melissa Newland
The L’Anse Excelsior Chapter of the National Honor Society (NHS) held its annual induction of new members, recognizing students for their scholarship, leadership, character and service with induction into the Society. The event was held at the L’Anse Area School (LAS) cafetorium May 8, 2019 at 7 p.m., with 11 new members being inducted this year. The students who earned the honor this spring were Darien Francois, Nathaniel Gransell, Ethan Hansen, Shelby Harrison, Alana Jorgenson, Addison Mattson, Josie Rice, Alicia Stein, Brynn VanBuren, Derrick Velmer and Kailyn Voskuhl. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.