by Teri Rowe
The new seating wall by the L’Anse Marina is completed. It’s part of the Phase II Marina Project funded by the L’Anse DDA and the Michigan DNR Waterways Fund. The ‘L’Anse, Marina Improvements Concrete Wall/Bench Project’. The seating wall offers a great place for people to sit and enjoy the view and beach. More importantly, it helps create a barrier to harden the marina against debris like logs, sand and other debris blown in from powerful storms on the lake.
The Phase II Marina Project is a $120,000.00 phase of work. The seating wall is a part of that funding, and DP Construction was the successful bidder at $14,400.00. The remainder of the funds is for the
new floating pier, engineering, and permitting. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.