by Barry Drue
Keweenaw Bay Ojibwa Community College’s Migiziinsag (Lil’ Eagles) early childhood program has a new home. The pre-kindergarten program for four year-old children enters its fourth year with its own classroom building and unique natural outdoor classroom in the backyard. It is located at 809 Louis, a short block or so from KBOCC’s Wabanung campus in L’Anse. Having moved from the lower level of the college building, the staff is eager to bring in children for the start of the school year on Sept. 12. An open house was held on Tuesday, Aug. 28, to show off the facility to the community. Cheryl LaRose is KBOCC’s Early Childhood Education director. Kim Swanson is the teacher-director and Missy Paulson is a teacher. Migiziinsag is licensed for 16 children. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.