MTU has tentative plans to remove Alberta sawmill

SAWMILL-MUSEUM–Alberta sawmill has been closed since the 1980’s, but more recently the mill museum was closed down about three years ago. Michigan Tech has tentative plans to remove the building sometime next year due to lack of funds.

by John Raffel
The sawmill at the Ford Center in Alberta has been a longtime historic site. But there are tentative plans for it to be torn down sometime next year. That’s the word from Mark  Rudnicki, Director of the Ford Center, with his office on the Michigan Tech Houghton campus. “The sawmill is just a building up by the highway,” Rudnicki said. “There’s a lot that goes on in Alberta that is hidden away like a lot of the undergraduate education and
research that goes on. We own about 3,200 acres around the spot. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.