by Melissa Newland
“Make your struggle your strength,” was the message Jr/Sr high school students of L’Anse (LAS) and Baraga Area School (BAS) received last week during an assembly where they welcomed Jordan Toma, a 35-year-old motivational speaker. The event was brought to LAS,
where both schools participated Wednesday, Sept. 11, by Keweenaw Bay Indian Community (KBIC) Promise Neighborhoods grant. “From a young student dealing
with learning disabilities and feeling helpless to parents and a system that I thought didn’t understand me and could not help me, I never felt I was good enough for anything, not good enough to become something,” said Toma. “I always felt I would amount to very little, however, I have achieved success in my life. I have made it my life goal to share everything I did to change my life from what I thought it would be to what I have become.” To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.