by Porter Davis
Baraga County’s annual Lumberjack Days has been a central part of Independence Day for the area since the early 1970’s, though the tradition began in 1969. The original Lumberjack Days centered around the Lumberjack Dance in which a local queen was crowned and reigned in the festivities. These days, a new queen is crowned and opens the ceremony with a street dance where all are welcome. The 2023 Lumberjack Days began on Monday, July 3, at 6:30 p.m. and the new queen, Kianna Schroeder of Baraga, was crowned shortly. Following the ceremony, the street dance began and lasted until midnight.
The following day, the Fourth of July, was kicked off with a pancake breakfast by Baraga Lions Club at Baraga Area Schools as well as a 5k run that had great turnout. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.