by Melissa Newland
Life Saving Awards were presented to James D. (JD) Denomie, Chief of Police Irvin Smith, and Tribal Police Officers Durwyn Chaudier and Mark Smith at the last Village of Baraga Council Meeting for saving the lives of Michael Markham, Sr., and James Hoke in February after the two men fell through the ice on Keweenaw Bay. Markham and Hoke were stranded in the water for approximately 35 minutes before rescuers were able to reach the submerged fishermen and the two brought to Baraga County Memorial Hospital for treatment. The rescuers were presented the awards at the last council meeting held
April 13, 2023, along with awards presented to Markham and Hoke, with Mark Smith accepting the award on behalf of Durwyn Chaudier as he was unable to attend the meeting (as was Hoke). To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.