by Kris Kyro
The Dix family is making waves in the best of ways, and it all started with David and Beth Dix. Jordan Dix is the oldest of 7 children and his mother said, “He (Jordan) paved the way for his siblings and was a great role model for them.” In the 7th grade, Jordan announced his desire to get into the Naval Academy. He knew getting good grades was important
to reach his goal. Having learned that getting into the Naval Academy was a series of steps, he got involved in as many things as possible, which included studying hard in school. As a high school student, he traveled to Tok, Alaska, embarking on an adventure shared with other young people at a Christian camp. His mother Beth said, “it was a very
remote place, and they were roughing it.” To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.