KBIC holds reorganization meeting

OATH OF OFFICE–The Oath of Office of elected Keweenaw Bay Indian Community’s Tribal Council members was done and included (lr) Incumbent Sam Loonsfoot, Tony Loonsfoot, Jeremy Hebert, as well as Incumbents Sue Ellen Elmblad, and Liz Julio. President Doreen Blaker was on hand to swear both council members and the Chief Judge into their positions.

by Jamie Dove
The Keweenaw Bay Indian Community (KBIC) held a Special Tribal Council Meeting at the Big Bucks Bingo Hall in Baraga this past weekend to approve the General Election results, swear in council members/Chief Judge, and hold its annual reorganization. The meeting took place on Saturday, Jan. 4, 2025,and during the session, Election Board Chair
Yvette Simmons gave the results from the Dec. 4 election to the council which were then approved and certified, solidifying the outcome of the democratic process within the
KBIC. President Doreen G. Blaker paid tribute to outgoing Tribal Council members Susan J. LaFernier and Hope E. Laramore, recognizing their years of dedicated service to the
community. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.