by Barry Drue
L’Anse and Baraga high schoolers wandered among displays from 65 businesses, organizations, colleges and military representatives at the L’Anse Job Fair on Thursday afternoon, March 23, 2017. Displays and tables spilled out of the gym as students visited sites of interest. Teacher Paul Moore and his Current Events class did the organizing, along with some help from Callie Budweg’s Publications Class. “I think it went well. There was a good turn-out of businesses. They made the commitment and almost all of them showed up. My students did most of the calling and emailing to contact them. They helped with set-up and helped people carry their stuff in,” Moore said. In his first year taking over the job fair for the retired Frank Taddeucci, Moore had L’Anse ninth through 12th graders attend, as well as a group of 42 Baraga High School juniors and seniors. Now that Moore has his first job fair behind him he wants to bring in more students next year. Additional schools have been invited in the past. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.