by Melissa Newland
Musicians and spectators alike came out July 14-15, 2017, to enjoy the 41st annual Aura Jamboree held at the Aura Community Hall. According to Aura Hall treasurer Rene’ Lehto, between 1500-2000 people came out to enjoy the event. Current Aura Hall board members, including President Mike Roberts, Vice President Glenda Hiltunen, Secretary Darlene VanWert, Treasurer Rene’ Lehto, and trustees Mary Williams, Fred Roberts, Cindy Roberts, Roxanne Wiik, Kate Beer, and many other volunteer community members come together every year to pull this event together. Musicians from all around gathered to perform at the two-day event, which started Friday July 14 at 4 p.m. and continued on Saturday, July 15 starting at 10 a.m., with each evening ending with a dance which consisted of three different groups each night. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.