by Melissa Newland
Instructors gathered together this past weekend at the Ottawa Sportsmen Club (OSC) to pass on their knowledge of safe firearm handling to new hunters. The Hunter Safety event happened Saturday, Aug. 15, 2021, with the help of Lead Instructor Mike Roth, Archery and Muzzleloader Instructor Jerry Glisson, Shotgun Instructor Chad Grentz, Firearm Safety Instructors Tonia Friisvall and Cathy Schjoth, Rifle Instructor Roy Lyberg and Navigation and First Aid Instructor Russ Weisinger. The OSC sponsors the program every year and provides participants with the use of the facilities, equipment (rifles, shotguns, muzzleloaders, etc.) and ammunition. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.