by Kris Kyro
The Baraga County Fair Queen and her court owned the night on opening day of the fair. The Baraga County Fair (BCF) kicked off Friday and ran through the weekend. The heat wave from July melted into August as the queen candidates made their way onto the stage.
Naomi Frahm of South Range, Michaela Helpin of Pelkie and Raylyn Mattila of Painesdale kept their cool composure as the judges asked tough questions. Pixie Bowles and Nissa Lapointe served as judges. Frahm was sponsored by Kurts Corner, Helpin by Woodland
Firearms and Supply and Mattila by Krupps Resort. Each contestant wore their pageantry gowns and sponsor banners. The young ladies were asked numerous thought-provoking questions. When asked to define success, Frahm answered, “Setting myself up with friends and family who support me.” Helpin replied with “Keeping Jesus in your heart and having good people around you.” Mattilas response was “Setting goals and having people around to help you.” To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.