Hanka–by Barry Drue-The fifth annual Heritage Day at the restored Hanka Homestead farm showcased the deep pride of the Finnish American community across the Copper Country region. And it’s not every year Hanka hosts the Finnish Ambassador to the United States! Friday, June 23, 2017, a crowd of 700 filed in to the restored farm, some parking up to a mile away in mowed fields, and shuttling and walking in. The event marked Juhannus, the traditional Finnish bonfire celebration of mid-summer. It also marked the 100th year of Finnish independence.
Michigamme–by Nancy Besonen– Traffic was bumper-to rumble seat Sunday at Michigamme’s annual Log Cabin Day and Antique Car Show. The event highlights the historic Dompierre House, Michigamme’s restored log cabin behind its museum. The car show is a natural fit for a day that celebrates the past with live music, refreshments, cabin and museum tours and more. Cars are displayed on a grassy lot across from the museum and along the street which is closed to traffic for the event. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.