Grand celebration at powwow

SOLEMN SIGHT–The Grand Entry featured veterans, flags, dancers and drums. The 46th annual powwow is both a time of remembrance and celebration. Countless hundreds attended each day of the event to honor and enjoy their heritage.

by Kris Kyro
Grand entries for a grand celebration during the 46th Annual Maawanji’ iding. The powwow took place July 25-28 at the Ojibwa Campground in Baraga. It began early Thursday morning with the lighting of the sacred fire, followed by a day of cultural teachings at the Ojibwa Senior Citizens Building, ground blessing and potluck feat. It concluded with  exhibition dancing and drum contests Sunday. The unusually hot temperatures didn’t  squelch the spirit of those attending or participating. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.