by Barry Drue
Esther Elizabeth Nulu Taurianen will mark her 100th birthday at her downstate home in Redford, MI, on Monday, May 3, 2021. She is quite independent, living by herself in her own home with daughter Virginia Miruzzi living nearby in Livonia. But Esther remains deeply rooted in her childhood on the Nulu farm on Grist Mill Road west of Baraga off M-38. She and family visit the old homestead and Esther still pays the bills and keeps up with the place. “People ask her what her secret to longevity is,” daughter Ginny said. “Living on the farm she hated to hear about animals were slaughtered. She ate very little meat and is mostly vegetarian. And she likes a beer!” To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.