by Barry Drue
A modified clear cut with some remaining mature seed trees has taken place on state land along the Sand Point access road leading to the Native pow wow grounds, Sand Point lighthouse and marina/RV camping area. DNR forestry officials inventoried the 14 acre parcel of mixed pine that lies directly behind the DNR Field Station in the winter of 2015. The sale was awarded earlier in 2017 to Triest Forest Products for $27,600. Triest sub-contracted the harvest to Yoder of Pelkie who recently completed the logging. Don Mankee is the West UP District Manager for the DNR forestry division. He oversees management on 960,000 acres of state forest in 11 counties west of AuTrain. He commented on the local project from the Baraga DNR office on Friday. Mankee expects there will be some concerns as people discover the cut. The area remains surrounded by mature red and white pine on adjacent tribal land. “This is the most dramatic-looking thing we do in the woods. It’s a modified clear cut with a few scattered mature trees left as seed trees. The regeneration will be naturally occurring. It should bush out in about three years,” Mankee said. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.