L’Anse Baptist Church welcomes new Assoc. Pastor

L’ANSE BAPTIST CHURCH–recently welcomed its new Associate Pastor, James Wierson, along with his wife, Kayleen, and their two children, Sophia and James, ages 3 and 1, with their third child expected in October. Pastor James is a May 2022 graduate of The Master’s Seminary in Los Angeles, CA.

by Melissa Newland
L’Anse Baptist Church (LBC) recently welcomed a new Associate Pastor to its staff in July. Pastor James Wierson, a May 2022 graduate of The Master’s Seminary in Los Angeles, CA, was welcomed to the staff July 1, 2022. After visiting L’Anse in the summer of 2021, LBC
invited the Wierson family to join its flock in August 2021. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.