by John Raffel
The L’Anse Village Council last week, acting as the village’s zoning board of appeals, approved a dimensional variance request, which will allow Circle K gas and diesel to
reduce the property line setback distances that would usually be required for an upcoming building project. Village manager Bob LaFave said Circle K got back with the village in July on variance requests. “They purchased the old Kissel Chevrolet property (along US-41 just
south of the Broad Street intersection), and the former the Lake Superior Design property,” LaFave said “That’s where they’re planning to build their new store. Because of the odd
shape of the property, there’s some challenges to the dimensional variances to the setback for the property in that building district”. There was a big piece of medal like from a small boat or something. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.