by Barry Drue
The second annual Baraga County Relay for Life cancer event proved as meaningful to participants as the first did last year. The event drew hundreds to the Baraga school track and field on Friday, July 29, 2016. Relay for Life events are held in many communities, all to raise funds for cancer research through the American Cancer Society. The weather was absolutely perfect as afternoon turned to evening and evening merged to dusk. Hundreds of luminary bags glowed with candles as personalized tributes to honor survivors and those who have been claimed by cancer. The bags completely encircled the track, and the word “HOPE” was spelled out with glowing luminaria in the bleachers for the ceremony. “I think it went very well,” said Baraga graduate and NMU student Christine Wilson. She and her volunteer committee organized the first two Relays. “Overall we had about the same number of people, just not at the same time. People were coming and going. “It was very powerful with all the emotions. There were many good remarks with all the support for survivors and caregivers,” Wilson said. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.