by Nancy Besonen
The Baraga County Board of Commissioners voted Monday, Nov. 6, 2017 to rescind a resolution that regulates voting rights. The action was taken before a packed house at the Baraga County Courthouse during the board’s re-scheduled regularly monthly meeting. Commissioners Gale Eilola, Pat Reilley, William Rolof and Chairman Mike Koskinen all voted to rescind. Commissioner William Menge was absent. The same commissioners had voted last month in support of the resolution that inspired Monday night’s often impassioned pleas against it. Commissioner William Menge was absent from last month’s meeting, also. Baraga County Prosecuting Attorney Joseph O’Leary had introduced the resolution as a concerned taxpayer at the Oct. 10, 2017, meeting of the Board of Commissioners. It calls upon Congress to call a convention of the states to adopt Amendment XXVIII to the U.S. Constitution: Section 1 Notwithstanding any previous article of this Constitution, no citizen shall be entitled to vote for a candidate seeking election to the House of Representatives unless said citizen shall have made a personal, net contribution to the United States Treasury in the years since the previous election for Representatives. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.