by Melissa Lehto
Following a catastrophic double-fatality crash of a Beartown Firefighters truck Saturday, Aug 27, 2016, in Blaine, MN, the community once again stands strong to help support grieving family members. A total of nine firefighters were in the vehicle at the time of the accident: Alan J Swartz Jr, James F. Shelifoe, Dave R. Varline, Tyler J. Tolonen, Shashaywin D. Sandman Shelifoe, Ross J. Jaukkuri, Gavin C. Loonsfoot, Joseph Jossens and Michael A. Johnson. Fatally injured in the crash were Alan (AJ) Swartz Jr, son of David (Lebs) Swartz and Maureen Van Abel; and James (Jimmy) Shelifoe, son of James Shelifoe and Sherrie Sliger (Kantola). To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.