by Melissa Lehto
The L’Anse Area School (LAS) district was one of eight in the UP to receive funding through the Michigan State Police Competitive School Security Grant. The funding was discussed at the Feb. 21, 2017 board meeting. LAS has been awarded $25,641 to fund projects such as security film on glass entrance doors, entrance control with remote locking in the library, upgraded radios, updates to interior camera systems and new exterior camera systems. The new camera systems will be internet based. LAS Superintendent Susan Tollefson stated LAS plans to add cameras in the gym and the cafetorium which will allow posting a link to school events such as holiday programs and commencement online. “This will be a nice upgrade for our school and I am thankful to the four local law enforcement agencies who wrote letters of support for our projects,” said Tollefson. The L’Anse Area Schools library was awarded the grant for the digitization of the old L’Anse Sentinels. There is a link to these on the LAS website that will be updated by the Library of Congress as the various years become available. Tollefson remarked, “Thank you to all who sent postcards or tweeted to vote for our library. The Friends of the Library group was instrumental in pursuing this goal over the past two years. CJ Sullivan Elementary second and sixth grade teachers will be piloting the Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA) the week of Feb. 27, 2017. The NWEA is an assessment which accurately measures student growth and learning needs. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.