MARY FREE BED–Rehabilitation Hospital was visited by the LAS HOSA group during the conference. Back row, l-r, are Ethan Hansen, Camryn Hahn, Jessica Wichstrom, Star Edwards, Alexa Stafford, Kyle Usimaki, Josie Rice, Addison Mattson, Nathaniel Gransell, Kailyn Voskuhl. Middle row, l-r, Brynn VanBuren, Payton Hulkonen, Sarah Mills, Jaycie Forcia, Peyton Holma, Alana Jorgenson and Jailyn Shelifoe. Front, l-r, Advisor Laura Schneider, Kayla Dakota, Autumn Kahkonen, Bobbi Beauprey and Malachi Griffin,who is recovering at Mary Free Bed after an auto accident in December.
by Melissa Newland
L’Anse Area Schools HOSA students were on the go March 20-24, 2019. Health Occupations Students of Ameraca (HOSA) members traveled to Grand Rapids for the HOSA state conference and competition held at the Amway Grand Hotel and Conference Center. Twenty HOSA students from LAS, along with 24 Copper Country Intermediate School District students, traveled to the conference and participated in different events. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.