by John Raffel
The UP Whitetails of Baraga County had quite a Christmas Party at the otter Sportsmen’s Club on Saturday. “It was a night full of great food, great company and big bucks from this
year and the past at the OSC,” chapter president Jake Ostermeyer put on his Facebook page. Huge shoutout and thank you to our Commemorative bucks of Michigan CBM scorers
Josh Stein and Greg Dupuis. They scored for over five hours straight. “We had some incredible U.P legends in the building including the Usitalo, Roy, Johnson and Heikkinen bucks which all grossed between 180-200 inches. In addition we had 16 new bucks make CBM and got to see 3 bucks between 148-158 inches all shot here in our area in the
past 3 years. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.