by Nancy Besonen
The Baraga County Fair in Pelkie delivered up a full serving of fun this past weekend to participants and fair-goers alike. “Everything ran really smooth, and attendance was up from last year,” said Fair Manager Mindy Lantz. “We didn’t have any problems with the weather. It was nice to have some cloudiness, and not too much sun.” Lantz took the reins as Fair Director just two weeks before the event which played out Friday through Sunday at the Pelkie Fairgrounds. A host of new features helped keep things extra lively, including a “Country Mudder” in which she had a direct hand. “We had 13 teams and 10 obstacles on the course–big round hay bales, mud pits–everyone seemed to enjoy it,” said Lantz, who created the course with Groundskeeper Raymond Niemi. “Sponsors were Jerry’s Auto Repair and the Pelkie Fire Department, and we hope to have an even bigger one next year.” To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.