by Nancy Besonen
Covington Township Ambulance is in critical condition. The dedicated team of volunteers is still making its runs, serving its community and others in need. But the crew is finding it increasingly difficult to get the job done with only eight active members whose average age is 60. An informational meeting was held Tuesday, Jan. 16, 2018 at the multi-purpose building on M-28 in Covington to explain the ambulance’s plight to the public. The meeting attracted a small crowd from the Tri-Town area (Covington, Watton and Sidnaw) and area emergency medical service personnel. The Covington Township Board hosted the meeting to discuss the future of the service, to answer questions and address concerns. Marvin Rajala, an R.N. and paramedic with the Covington Ambulance Service, led the presentation. “We were established about 1974,” Rajala said. “Our first rig was a Pontiac, from Republic. I remember going on one run–it was awful to sit in! We always enjoyed good support from the township board, and funding. Our last ambulance was bought with a grant. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.