by Melissa Lehto
Officials from the Michigan Department of Environmental Health (MDEQ) held an informational and question/ answer session at the L’Anse High School cafetorium on Wednesday, Sept 7, 2016, from 7-9 pm regarding the L’Anse Warden Electric Company (LWEC). Approximately 50 community members gathered in the cafetorium along with the officials from the MDEQ. Chris Hare, MDEQ Supervisor, opened the meeting with a PowerPoint presentation, outlining the investigations done to date of the LWEC, the enforcement process, the compliance plan and the proposed permit and consent order, and to notify the community of a public hearing (if requested) on Sept 28, from 7-9 pm at the L’Anse High School cafetorium. According to Catherine Andrews of L’Anse, the public hearing has been formally requested. Questions from the public may be mailed in advance to the attention of Annette Switzer, Permit Section Supervisor, Department of Environmental Quality, PO Box 30260, Lansing, MI, 48909. Comments may also be mailed to that address or submitted on-line at http://www.deq.state.mi.us/aps/cwerp.chtml. The Sept 28 public hearing will begin at 7 pm. There will be an information session prior to the meeting starting at 6 pm. The meeting will be recorded and any questions that have been addressed will be followed up in writing by the MDEQ to the questioner. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.