Camp 911 a success

LITTLE FIREMEN–Three of the Camp 911 attendees bravely made their way into the fire house as instructors looked on. The tiny and determined kids were eager to take their skills to a new level by entering the trailer. They were prepared to get everyone out safely during the drill. The children proved successful, and exited quickly. Some wanted to wear their special gear all day but followed the golden rule of sharing.

by Kris Kyro
Camp 911 teams ran the show, as the kids ran circles around them during the two-day event June 19 and 20 at the Baraga Village office. Gary Wadaga, director of Bay ambulance, kept the show going. Volunteers shared their expertise and talents. With the precision of a finely tuned clock, events continued throughout the two days of  entertainment and information. The first day of Camp 911 featured lectures, videos and demonstrations which included The Jaws of Life. Members of the police department, fire department and ambulance were on hand. The fifth and sixth grade students asked questions and learned plenty from all of the volunteers. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.