Bohnak holds Town Meeting in L’Anse

TOWN MEETING–Republican Karl Bohnak, Representative for Michigan’s 109th House of Representatives district and elected this past November, was on hand at the Silver River Bakery in L’Anse on Saturday, Feb. 22, 2025, to conduct a Town Hall meeting. The public welcomed Bohnak with enthusiasm, asking questions of the politician, former weatherman, and stating their concerns. Pictured is Cathy Stanaway standing up about her concerns, filling Bohnak in about the lack of school teachers and dentists in the area with her thought that it is due to schooling costs and locations. Bohnak was sympathetic to everyone’s concerns there. While there, he also summarized his last month and a half in office.

by Melissa Newland
Republican Karl Bohnak, the newly elected Representative for Michigan’s 109th House of
Representatives district and a familiar face for Upper Peninsula residents, hosted a Town Hall meeting at the Silver River Bakery in L’Anse. Known for his previous career as the local UP weatherman, Bohnak was met with a warm reception by the local community on Saturday, Feb. 22 from 1-2 p.m. amidst the smell of delicious bakery and fresh pasties. The  cozy atmosphere of the bakery provided an intimate setting for the public to voice their concerns and ask questions. Among the attendees was Cathy Stanaway, who  passionately addressed the shortage of schoolteachers and dentists in the area. She attributed these shortages to the high costs of education and the difficulty of accessing schooling in rural areas. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.